Quanta lines up Mackay industrial investment

Real Estate Source | 16 July 2024

Written by Marc Pallisco


Servicing the coal mining, electricity, coal seam gas/liquefied natural gas and rail sectors, the Paget asset contains two warehouses with a total 8881 square metres covering 29pc of the 3.1 hectare block.

UGL, a subsidiary of Germany’s biggest construction company, HOCHTIEF, the occupier, has 4.7 years left on its 15 year lease agreement.

According to Quanta, rent could be increased significantly after that.

To sweeten the deal, Arcana is also tipping in $1.5m for upgrades to existing improvements.

“The investment provides built-in capital and income growth resulting from current passing rent being approximately 20pc below market rates,” the buyer is telling prospective wholesale investors.

“Additionally, there is significant potential for development upside with a low site cover…and tenant demand for additional lettable area to be built on surplus land,” it added. Quanta is forecasting a year one 7.5pc distribution rising to 9.75pc per annum. The five year average should circle 8.25pc.